Model Validation and 'Healing'

Introduction to Blackboard Sessions

In general, the goal of the "Blackboard Sessions" is to provide a hybrid workshop/spoken-session experience for novice to advanced-intermediate X-ray crystallographers that is centered on a topic within the field of X-ray (macromolecular)crystallography. In other words, talks by the relevant experts are enhanced with 'do-it-yourself' opportunities to work with real data, witness real-time experimentation during the meeting, etc.

Blackboard Session 13.05: X-ray Crystallography Model Validation and Healing

This website accompanies session 13.23, "X-ray Crystallography Model Validation and Healing Session" co-chaired by Edward Collins and Andrew Torelli at the 2013 ACA Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii. This year's session focused more heavily on spoken talks than in years past, however validating structural models is of critical interest to the community and we had an excellent opportunity to hear from five speakers with broad expertise on the subject. Thank you again to our speakers for making a successful, informative session and agreeing to provide their presentations for continued access by the audience.

Links & Resources

The presentation slides for each speaker can be viewed by clicking on links to the left.


This venture would not be possible without generous funding from the ACA. We are grateful for the financial support. In addition, we would like to thank James Holton for continuing to provide logistical support. We are also indebted to our speakers for their time sharing experience and advice. Finally, thank you to Ms. Alyssa Crick for graphic design.