int2float: convert X-ray images into floating point

This short program converts an "SMV" format X-ray image or other field of 16-bit "unsigned short int" type data into a flat file of 4-byte "float" single-precision floating point numbers. This format is identical to the "floatimage.bin" files output by my nearBragg, nanoBragg, and nonBragg simulators, making the output of int2float suitable for direct side-by-side comparison of simulated data to real data using float_add. The floating-point output of int2float may also be manipulated in other innovative ways, such as subtracting idealized background extracted from the image using nonBragg. Or, arbitrary scaling, subtracting or mixing and matching using the core floating-point flat-file manipulation programs float_add, float_mult or float_func.

Once the transformations are complete, the 4-byte float file can be converted back into an "SMV" format image using noisify.

source code and binaries

source: int2float.c

pre-compiled binaries: linux, OSX, Windows

there are no dependencies beyond the standard C math libraries shipped with essentailly all modern C compilers.

example usage:

get program:
compile it
gcc -O -O -o int2float int2float.c -lm
Get an SMV x-ray image here:
convert the SMV image to floats
./int2float -header 512 ALS831_lyso_Gd_001.img smv.bin
use the unix "od" utility to view the result:
od -f smv.bin | head
0000000   8.224000e+03   8.224000e+03   8.224000e+03   8.224000e+03
0000140   1.000000e+01   0.000000e+00   0.000000e+00   0.000000e+00
0000160   0.000000e+00   0.000000e+00   0.000000e+00   0.000000e+00
0060000   0.000000e+00   0.000000e+00   4.000000e+01   4.000000e+01
0060020   4.000000e+01   1.600000e+01   2.400000e+01   3.800000e+01
0060040   4.700000e+01   4.200000e+01   3.200000e+01   2.700000e+01
0060060   4.000000e+01   4.300000e+01   3.600000e+01   3.300000e+01
0060100   4.000000e+01   4.200000e+01   3.800000e+01   3.400000e+01
compare this with the pixel values you get from the original file:
od -t u2 --skip=512 ALS831_lyso_Gd_001.img | head
0001000  8224  8224  8224  8224  8224  8224  8224  8224
0001060    10     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
0001100     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
0031000     0     0    40    40    40    16    24    38
0031020    47    42    32    27    40    43    36    33
0031040    40    42    38    34    48    43    50    37
0031060    27    43    39    43    43    35    35    38
0031100    46    40    31    37    36    29    26    52
Now you can do any number of things to the floating-point values using the float_add, float_mult, or float_func utilities. For example, you can convert the pixel values into photon counts. like this:
float_add smv.bin smv.bin -scale1 0.625 -scale2 0 -offset 40 -outoffset 0 photons.bin
od -f photons.bin | head
0000000        4546.212        4546.212        4546.212        4546.212
0000140      -16.664999          -22.22          -22.22          -22.22
0000160          -22.22          -22.22          -22.22          -22.22
0060000          -22.22          -22.22               0               0
0060020               0      -13.331999          -8.888          -1.111
0060040       3.8884997           1.111          -4.444      -7.2214994
0060060               0       1.6664999          -2.222      -3.8884997
0060100               0           1.111          -1.111      -3.3329997
Notice that the photon "counts" are not integers. This is normal. We are correcting for a "detector gain" of 1.6 by multiplying the pixel values by 0.625, after subtracting the "ADC offset" of 40.

Depending on wavelength, angle, and other factors the signal recorded by the detector from a single photon hit can vary, and in general the value recorded in the image file is related to the photon count by a scale factor called the "gain" and an offset called the "adc offset". These are the same gain and adc offset you need to provide to data processing programs if they are not set correctly by default.

In this case, we are using a gain of 1.6 ADU/photon and an offset of 40 ADU. Where "ADU" is an "Area Detector Unit", or the signal required to increment the integer value stored in the image file by one tick.

Although often incorrectly referred to as "counts" one ADU does not necessarily mean one X-ray photon. The "gain" in ADU/photon depends not only on the sensitivity of the detector (which varies with wavelength, incidence angle, and other factors), but also on the choice of binning mode, and the setting of the amplifier before the analog-to-digital converter (ADC). Because of this, the gain has little to do with the "quality" of the detector, but it is still important to give the right value to your data processing package.

The pixel values also contain an offset: 40 ADU in this case. This is because the CCD read-out circuit always introduces a certain amount of noise and this noise is equally likely to be positive or negative, but the "unsigned integer" data type used in the image file cannot represent a negative value, it would "wrap around" and become an overload! To keep this from happening, a small constant value is added to ever pixel: the ADC offset. It is large enough to garantee the value cannot go negative, but small enough not to use up too much of the 16 bit dynamic range. The CCD read-out noise level here is about rms 3 pixel levels (aka ADU), so an offset of 40 is safe.

So, when you see a value of 40 "counts" in an ADSC image, it is really representing zero photons.

So, we could round off the photons to integers, but that would introduce roundoff error, adding noise to the data. Yes, the original digitization of the signal from the CCD also introduced roundoff error, but there is nothing we can do about that now. Fortunately, by selecting a "gain" greater than one the roundoff error is kept much smaller than the photon-counting error.

Now let's convert the photon counts back into an SMV file using noisify:

gcc -o noisify noisify.c -lm
./noisify -floatfile photons.bin -nonoise -gain 1.6 -adc 40.5 -header ALS831_lyso_Gd_001.img -intfile intimage.img
adxv intimage.img
The SMV-format image output in this way should be byte-for-byte identical to the original SMV-format image input into int2float. The reason for using an ADC offset of 40.5 instead of 40 is because noisify internally rounds all photon counts into integers.
Command-line options:
-header 512
the number of bytes to skip as a header, default: 512.

James Holton <>