float_add: combine/compare files of 4-byte floating-point numbers

This simple program reads two flat files of 4-byte single precision "float" numbers and adds them together with different scale factors to create a new flat file of 4-byte single-precision "float" numbers. Various statisics are printed, including the correlation coefficient and least-squares linear fit, before and after applying a user-selctable outlier rejection algorithm.

float_add is useful for direct side-by-side comparision of real and simulated data, for combining different simulations together (such as spots from nanoBragg and background from nonBragg), or simply re-scaling a set of floating-point data.

These flat floating-point files can then be input into image generation programs like noisify or combined with simulation data from nearBragg. It can also generate data to directly replace the voxel values in an electron density map.

source code and binaries

source: float_add.c

pre-compiled binaries: linux, OSX, Windows

there are no dependencies beyond the standard C math libraries shipped with essentailly all modern C compilers.

example usage:

Get the program:
wget http://bl831.als.lbl.gov/~jamesh/bin_stuff/float_add.c
compile it
gcc -o float_add float_add.c -lm
Now say you want the skewness of an electron density map, such as the one we created in the example for floatgen, called 3Dball.map. This file is float data with a header of 1104 bytes. So, we just run:
./float_add -header 1104 3Dball.map
filename: 3Dball.map  input1
header = 1104 bytes pixel zero offset = 0 (0 in output)
xy lsq scale= 0 offset= 0
yx lsq scale= 0 offset= 0
32768 pixels 
0 overflows, 0 underflows
max = 1 min = 0
mean = 0.0854492 rms = 0.292317 rmsd = 0.279549 skewness = 2.96585 kurtosis = 9.79629
CC = -nan
writing output.bin as a 1104-byte header with 32768 4-byte floats
This gives you all of the stats that the CCP4 mapdump program might give you, in addition to the skewness, kurtosis. If you give it two maps on the same grid it will also give you the correlation coefficient (CC), and the linear least-squares coefficents that will optimally scale one map to the second map. For example, let's scale and offset this map:
./float_add -header 1104 3Dball.map -scale1 1.234 -outoffset 0.1234 -outfile rescaled.map
./float_add -header 1104 3Dball.map rescaled.map
filename: 3Dball.map  input1
filename: rescaled.map  input2
header = 1104 bytes pixel zero offset = 0 (0 in output)
xy lsq scale= 1.234 offset= 0.1234
yx lsq scale= 0.810373 offset= -0.1
32768 pixels 
0 overflows, 0 underflows
max = 2.3574 min = 0.1234
mean = 0.314294 rms = 0.69914 rmsd = 0.624512 skewness = 2.96585 kurtosis = 9.79629
CC = 1
writing output.bin as a 1104-byte header with 32768 4-byte floats
You can see that the xy lsq scale reflects the scale and offset we just applied to the map. The yx lsq scale and offset is the scale and offset you would get the other way.

For more complicated cases, outliers can throw off the lsq fit, as well as the other statistics. This is why I implemented automatic outlier rejection into float_add.

Now use the SMV image example from int2float to convert the X-ray image into float values Get an SMV x-ray image here:
wget http://bl831.als.lbl.gov/example_data_sets/ALS/831/Gd_lyso1/ALS831_lyso_Gd_001.img
convert the SMV image to floats
./int2float -header 512 ALS831_lyso_Gd_001.img smv.bin
now we can use float_add to get some statistics :
./float_add smv.bin
filename: smv.bin  input1
header = 0 bytes pixel zero offset = 0 (0 in output)
xy lsq scale= 0 offset= 0
yx lsq scale= 0 offset= 0
9437184 pixels 
0 overflows, 0 underflows
max = 32609 min = 0
mean = 42.9596 rms = 55.5302 rmsd = 35.1864 skewness = 371.769 kurtosis = 238568
CC = -nan
writing output.bin as a 0-byte header with 9437184 4-byte floats
But these statistics include the "invalid" pixels (zero and overflows). To keep these out of the stats we can flag them:
./float_add smv.bin -ignore 0 -ignore 65535
filename: smv.bin  input1
header = 0 bytes pixel zero offset = 0 (0 in output)
ignoring value 0 in both files
ignoring value 65535 in both files
xy lsq scale= 0 offset= 0
yx lsq scale= 0 offset= 0
73572 invalid of 9437184 pixels ( 9363612 left)
0 overflows, 0 underflows
max = 32609 min = 4
mean = 43.2971 rms = 55.748 rmsd = 35.1169 skewness = 376.905 kurtosis = 242337
CC = -nan
writing output.bin as a 0-byte header with 9437184 4-byte floats
Also, the valid pixels in this image have an offset of 40 pixel units, and one photon hit creates an average pixel increment of 1.6 levels (ADU). See the description of the xray formats. So, if we want to convert the image into photons, we do this:
./float_add smv.bin smv.bin -scale1 0.625 -scale2 0 -ignore 0 -ignore 65535 -offset 40 -outoffset 0 -outfile photons.bin
filename: smv.bin  input1
filename: smv.bin  input2
header = 0 bytes pixel zero offset = 40 (0 in output)
ignoring value 0 in both files
ignoring value 65535 in both files
xy lsq scale= 1 offset= 0
yx lsq scale= 1 offset= 0
73572 invalid of 9437184 pixels ( 9363612 left)
0 overflows, 0 underflows
max = 20355.6 min = -22.5
mean = 2.06071 rms = 22.0446 rmsd = 21.948 skewness = 376.905 kurtosis = 242337
CC = 1
writing photons.bin as a 0-byte header with 9437184 4-byte floats
Notice that the input data smv.bin was provided twice, but one image was given a scale of zero.
You can also use float_add to operate on CCP4-formatted electron density maps. For example, take the 3Dball.map example map we created in the example for floatgen. What if we wanted to add a constant value of "0.5" electrons/A3 to every value in the map? We would do this:
./float_add -header 1104 3Dball.map 3Dball.map -outoffset 0.5 -outfile offset.map
filename: 3Dball.map  input1
header = 1104 bytes pixel zero offset = 0 (0.5 in output)
xy lsq scale= 0 offset= 0
yx lsq scale= 0 offset= 0
32768 pixels 
0 overflows, 0 underflows
max = 1 min = 0
mean = 0.0854492 rms = 0.292317 rmsd = 0.279549 skewness = 2.96585 kurtosis = 9.79629
CC = nan
writing offset.map as a 1104-byte header with 32768 4-byte floats
The new map will now have the offset value, but note that the density stats stored in the header will now be wrong! float_add simply copies the header from the input to the output. To "sanitize" the map you will want to run it though a CCP4 suite program that re-calculates the stats in the header, such as mapmask:
echo scale factor 1 | mapmask mapin offset.map mapout new.map
mv new.map offset.map

float_add file1.bin file2.bin [outfile.bin] -scale1 1.0 -scale2 1.0 -offset 40 -header 512
Command-line options:
scale factor for first file
scale factor for second file
integer offset to be subtracted from each file
integer offset to be added to the output file
-outfile outfile.bin
specify name of output file
number of bytes to ignore in header of each file (header of file1 copied to output)
output relative difference (a-b)/((a+b)/2) instead of difference
print out a histogram of output values
size of the bins to use for the histogram
maximum difference between values to be considered equal
flag particular values as bad pixels, kept in output
reject outliers from printed statistics

James Holton <JMHolton@lbl.gov>