report or change the crystal position. All distances are in millimeters.
usage: [x y z]
x is the distance to move in the direction of the x-ray beam
y is the distance to move in the direction of gravity (down)
z is the distance to move in the spindle direction (right-hand-rule)
or: to [x y z]
to implies that (x,y,z) is an absolute positon of the three sample motors
x is the desired position of the first sample motor
y is the desired position of the second sample motor
z is the desired position of the third sample motor
returns: sample motors are now -0.623 -0.357 2.088
example: 0 0.1 0
returns: sample motors are now -0.722 -0.373 2.088
example: to -0.623 -0.357 2.088
returns: sample motors are now -0.623 -0.357 2.088
Note in the second example that the relative move "down" by 100 microns
changed both the x and y
motors. This is because relative moves are done in the lab frame
(x-ray beam, gravity, and spindle axis) and the motor moves are calculated
with the current value of phi rotation in mind. This way, you can
use the x coordinate to focus the sample in
the mircoscope.