Data Processing With The Pros

Challenging Spots example

We often collect data that, for a variety of reasons, contain spots with less-than-ideal shape/properties. This dataset is a good example of a 'typical' membrane protein dataset with a long unit cell axis. Note that the data for this example are organized in three directories representing the three wavelengths used for collection: peak wavlength ('pk'), inflection point ('ip') and high-remote wavelength ('hrem'). All three wavelengths will be necessary for successful phasing.

Useful Information

Data kindly provided by: Kay Diederichs, see details of the data here
Sample: Hemophore receptor HasR from Serratia marcescens in complex with its hemophore HasA and heme.
PDB Code: 3CSL
Dates data were collected: April 29, 2006 and November 26, 2006
Beamlines where data were collected: ESRF ID29 and SLS X06SA
Image file formats: The image files were collected on a ADSC Quantum 315 or a MarMosaic 225 detector.

Four options to download:

    Option 1 (easiest):

Use 'rsync' (linux/UNIX command) to download all the tarred/compressed image bundles at once (command is in between quotes):

"rsync -azv\*3csl\* ."

and you will be prompted to enter 'lysozyme'.

    Option 2:

Use 'rsync' (linux/UNIX command) to download all the image files at once (command is in between quotes):

"rsync -azv ."

and you will be prompted to enter 'lysozyme'.

    Option 3:

Use Wget to download the images (try this if you have a Windows OS).

    Option 4:

Download either the compressed image file bundles (preferred) or the individual image files (a cumbersome last resort; you probably want the compressed file bundles instead) using your web browser.

Processed Data and Instructions

  CrystalClear Elves HKL-2000 iMosflm XDS autoPROC PROTEUM2
Processed Data Files TBA TBA TBA TBA XDS results autoPROC results TBA
Log Files TBA TBA TBA TBA Links on this page Excerpt on this page TBA
Author Instructions Jim Pflugrath James Holton Wladek Minor Harry Powell Kay Diederichs Clemens Vonrhein Matt Benning
SFCheck Output For CrystalClear file For Elves file For HKL-2000 file For iMosflm file For XDS file For autoPROC file For PROTEUM2 file