Trypsin S-SAD Phasing: How Low (In Frames) Can You Go?
This dataset was recorded from a trypsin crystal for S-SAD phasing (calcium is also present). 3600 out of a total of 7200 frames were uploaded. Phasing is straightforward with 3600 frames included, however 1800 is more difficult to build a complete model.
Useful Information
Data kindly provided by: Prof. Min Yao at Hokkaido University, Japan.
Sample: Trypsin
Beamline where data were collected: BL-1A, Photon Factory
Wavelength: 2.7 Å
Detector: Pilatus 2M
Oscillation angle: 0.1 degree
Exposure: 0.1 sec/frame
Distance: 65 mm
Beam size: 10 x 25 µm2
Image file format: .cbf file extension (crystalographic binary file)
Protein sequence in FASTA format
Two options to download the data:
- Option 1 (easiest):
Use 'rsync' (linux/UNIX command) to download the compressed image files (command is in between quotes and should only be one line). There are 3600, but each file is approximately 270 kb:
and you will be prompted to enter 'lysozyme'.
- Option 2:
Use Wget to download the 'wloop_1_#####.cbf.bz2' images (try this if you have a Windows OS).