BLU-ICE/DCS control system on 8.3.1/12.3.1

This page outlines all the programs involved in beamline control for the LBL installation of BLU-ICE/DCS.  Links to vendors are provided on the left and example log output is provided on the right.  The locally-available command-line utilities will interface with this system as well as a few others.
Program Location Computer Purpose Logfile
DCSS /programs/DCSS_3.0/dcss/linux/dcss -s server message trafficking and operation sequencing /data/log/dcss.log
detector DHS /programs/DCSS_3.0/dhs/linux/dhs detector server detector control and image recombination /data/log/detectorDHS.log
detector proxy /programs/adsc/bin/det_api_workstation server single point of control for all detector modules /data/log/det_api_workstation.log
"big motor"
/programs/DCSS_3.0/dhs/linux/pmac1DHS.tcl server interface detector and pinhole stage motors to DCSS /data/log/pmac1DHS.log
"little motor"
/programs/DCSS_3.0/dhs/linux/pmac2DHS.tcl server interface spindle, goniometer, and fluorescence counter to DCSS /data/log/pmac2DHS.log
Wago I/O
/programs/DCSS_3.0/dhs/linux/wagoDHS.tcl server interface all plungers and lights to DCSS /data/log/wagoDHS.log
LabView TCP/IP DHS /programs/DCSS_3.0/dhs/linux/labviewDHS.tcl server interface LabView control system to DCSS /data/log/labviewDHS.log
beamline control system Desktop:Shortcut to BLControl Main beamline LabView control system for all beamline motors C:\Beamline Controls\Logs\
BLU-ICE /programs/DCSS_3.0/blu-ice/scripts-lbl/bl831-ice.tcl  graphics1 User Interface /data/log/blu-ice.log
ADXV /programs/bin/adxv graphics1 View and analyze diffraction images none
Touch Screen /programs/beamline/touch.tcl graphics1 Video touch screen User Interface /data/log/touch.log
Watchdog /programs/beamline/watchdog.tcl graphics1 Monitor activity and assume control when neccesary /data/log/watchdog.log
simDHS /programs/DCSS_3.0/simdhs/scripts/simdhs.tcl server pretend to be an MCA /data/log/simDHS.tcl