After your crystal has been mounted you can center your crystal in the X-ray beam in 8 mouse clicks: 1) Click on Mid Mag View 2) Click on your crystal to move it to the center of the beam. 3) Click on +/- 90 Degrees Phi to Rotate your crystal 4) Click on your crystal to move it to the beam center at this orthogonal position 5) Click on High Mag View 6) Click on the region of interest, to move it to the beam center 7) Click on +/- 90 Degrees Phi to Rotate your crystal 8) Click again on your crystal to move it to the beam center Your crystal should now be roughly centered. However, to achieve the best views of your crystal you will probably need to make small rotations of + or - 10 Degrees to be able to achieve "Face-On" and "Edge-On" views. It is easiest to make the small rotational adjustments when the loop is closer to it's Edge-On view than it's Face-On view. Once you obtained an Edge On View, Rotate +/- 90 Degrees to see the Face-On view. In most cases will provide the very best visuals of your crystal. When your crystal is centered in the Face-On view, go to the Collect Tab and press "Update"! Remember: Collect Tab and press "Update" after your Crystal has been Centered in the Face-On orientation. This will set the beginning Phi angle of your X-Ray Snap Shot to be at the current Phi angle which gives the Face-On view. Set your Image Collection Parameters, Delta Phi (~.5?), Exposure Time (~.2 Sec?), and Distance (350mm?), Click on Collect. Take another Snap Shot at +90 degrees. Now you have 2 orthogonal X-ray Images for indexing your crystal.