&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& [dcsuser@bl821k2 denzo_scripts]$ cat auto.dat [DENZO script for ALS BL8.2.1 ] format ccd adsc unsupported-q210 binned [<--- BL8.2.1 remove binned if appropriate] box print 1.8 1.8 spot elliptical 0.35 0.35 0.0 background elliptical 0.45 0.45 0.0 mosaicity 0.5 [<--- a rough guess ] overlap spot x beam 108.95 y beam 105.1 [BL8.2.1 Jun 2004 ] wavelength 1.1 [<---- make sure this is correct!] monochromator 0.9 air absorption length 3145 [<---- wavelength depedent, check Int. tbl.] [<---- or type 'airabs' in csh to estimate it.] error density 0.12 [<---- detector specific value] error positional 0.04 [<---- OK for ADSC Q4 detector (0.08mm *1/2)] error systematic 5.0 partiality 0.1 film rotation 90.0 crossfire y .004 x -.004 xy -.019 cassette rotx -.07 roty -.07 rotz .00 oscillation start 0.0 range 1.0 profile fitting radius 20.0 space group p43212 [<---- or use 'lattice '] [lattice monoclinic] longest vector 300 weak level 5 overload value 65535 distance 128.0 [<---- check] resolution limits 25. 3.0 TITLE 'data - test' raw data file '/data/bl821/dcsuser/mydata_1_001.img' [<---- Check this also] film output file 'mydata_1_001.x' [<---- This too] sector 1 peak search file 'peaks.file' write predictions fit cell fit x beam y beam fit crystal rotx roty rotz fit distance go [Try 'fit all', 'go go go ...' first,] [ ] &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& [dcsuser@bl821k2 denzo_scripts]$ cat batch.com [batch.dat ALS BL502 -- insert parameters in between "******" ] title 'mycryst' format ccd adsc unsupported-q210 binned wavelength 1.000 air absorption length 3145 skew 0.000 monochromator 0.9 film rotation 90.0 space group P43212 [ you should know this by now ] mosaicity 0.75 [ important to have a good estimate! ] weak level 5.0 box print 1.8 1.8 spot elliptical 0.35 0.35 0.0 background elliptical 0.45 0.45 0.0 overlap spot profile fitting radius 30.0 error density 0.12 error systematic 5.0 partiality 0.1 positional 0.040 raw data file '/data/bl821/dcsuser/mydata_1_###.img' [ <== edit this !] film output file 'mydata_1_###.x' [ <== edit this !] [ intensities, used by SCALEPACK ] [film york output file 'mydata_###.y'] [ output files that can be fed ] [ into CCP4 for scaling ] oscillation start 0.0 range 1 [ phi width per image ] sector 1 to 90 [ range of images you want to process ] write predictions print zones [*************************************************************************] [ **** insert output from "list" statement of auto-indexing run here **** ] [**************************************************************************] [ refinement starts here ] start refinement [print no shifts no profiles] [<=== remove square brackets for shorter log] [Insert more 'go's for better convergence in case of tough data] resolution limits 30. 3.0 fit crystal rotz x beam y beam go go go go go go fit crystal rotx roty go go go go go go FIT CASSETTE ROTX ROTY GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO FIT CELL GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO resolution limits 30 2.0 FIT CROSSFIRE X Y XY GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO fit all go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go list [ for integration: ] fix all print profiles 1 1 calculate go end of pack end of job eof &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& [dcsuser@bl821k2 denzo_scripts]$ cat scale.com /usr/local/bin/scalepack << eof-scale > scale.log resolution 20 1.85 number of zones 20 number of iterations 10 estimated error 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 error scale factor 2.0 space group P212121 output file goldenbrown.sca [scale anomalous] reference batch 1 add partials 1 to 100 format denzo_ip ignore overloads postrefine 10 fit crystal a* 1 to 100 fit crystal b* 1 to 100 fit crystal c* 1 to 100 [fit crystal beta* 1 to 100 ] fit batch rotx 1 to 100 fit batch roty 1 to 100 fit batch mosaicity 1 to 100 rejection probability 1e-4 write rejection file @reject sector 1 to 100 FILE 'test_1_###.x' eof-scale