#### MAD data collection recommendations using Zinc as an example # # Move the Monochromator Energy to the Absorption Energy of interest > wave.com Zn # Attenuate the beam by lowering the Horizontal divergence to 0.5 milliRad (from the default Max of 2.0) > divergence.com .5 # Tuneup the beamline > tuneup.com # After tuning up press "Update" in BLUICE Run0 "Collect" TAB to read in correct Energy for Zn # Find a crystal that diffracts well, then ### ### # Autoindex the crystal ### > index # If it can produce a Collection Strategy, do the following in the BLUICE Run_1 Window/Tab it created # (1) Use the recommended Starting Phi angle # (2) Accept, or set a new "delta" or oscillation angle # (3) Set total data collect range to be 180 degrees of data # (4) Click on Inverse beam # (5) Set the SubDirectory for the Data Collection. ### ### # Perform a Fluorescence or MAD Scan ### # Press the "SCAN" Tab # Click on MAD "Scan Mode" # Click on "Periodic Table" Sub-Tab, if not already active, # Click on the Edge of interest, Zn-K for this example. # Click on "Update" to have the scan write to the new Data Collection SubDirectory # Start the Scan by Clicking on "Scan", will take ~10 minutes to complete # Click on "PLOT" Sub-Tab, to see the data output from the Scan # After the Scan completes it will list 3 energies: # Inflection, Peak, and Remote # Compute the arithmetic Mean Energy of the Peak and Inflection Energies (Peak + Inflection)/2 ### ### # Update the Run_1 Data Collection Setup ### # Return to the Run_1 Collect Tab # (1) Press "Update" to read in the 3 energies from the MAD Scan # (2) Delete either the PEAK or the INFLECTION engery, leave the REMOTE engery as it is. # (3) Enter the Mean Engery, calculated previously, by overwriting the Energy you did NOT delete # You should now have 2 energies Mean and Remote # (4) Make the "Wedge Size 30 degrees ### ### # Determine the Exposure Time for the MAD Diffraction Data Collection ### # Enter "exposure_time.com" to calculate the allowable exposure time for each frame. > exposure_time.com # (1) Do NOT take the default of NOT measuring the flux, i.e. enter "y" or "yes" to measure the beam flux > y # This will prompt you to move crystal out of the beam # In the HUTCH Tab, click in the "Sample" video until the crystal is NOT in the beam circle; press enter. > "enter/return" # After the flux is measured the crystal will be returned to its previous location # The script should use the Run_1 parameters. # Make sure it using the appropriate "Max total Dose" for a MAD Scan, [5e6] for it's calculation # > What is the Max total dose YOU want: [5e+6] --> > "enter/return" # If it calculates an exposure of at least 0.1 seconds per frame you # (1) Enter that exposure time into the COLLECT Tab Run_1 "Time" # (2) double check your cystal is still centered # (3) Press "Collect" in the COLLECT Tab, and START the RUN! # If "exposure_time.com" did NOT calculate an exposure time of at least 0.1 seconds per frame, # you need to attenuate more! # Try "divergence.com .35" and run again > divergence.com .35 # If that doesn't attenuate enough try "divergence.com .25 .25" > divergence.com .25 .25 # If that doesn't attenuate enough try to Reduce the total number of frames by decreasing the oscillation angle. # Then run "exposure_time.com" again, and repeat until you succeed.