***** DEFPIX ***** (XDS VERSION August 18, 2006) 5-Sep-2007 Recognizes untrusted detector pixels in the initial background table BKGINIT.pck, previously determined by the program step INIT. Untrusted pixels may result from shading parts of the detector area by hardware absorbing x-rays emanating from the crystal. DEFPIX generates the control image ABS.pck which should be inspected with the VIEW program. Unshaded pixels have values around 10000, while shaded regions are recognized by their lower vales, typically below 7000. Trusted pixels must have values within an allowed range as specified by the input parameter VALUE_RANGE_FOR_TRUSTED_DETECTOR_PIXELS= in XDS.INP. In addition, accepted pixels must be within a resolution range, defined in XDS.INP as the parameter INCLUDE_RESOLUTION_RANGE= Excluded pixels are marked by -3 in the pixel background table BKGPIX.pck. This table is required by the subsequent INTEGRATE step and should be inspected by the user with the VIEW program. VALUE_RANGE_FOR_TRUSTED_DETECTOR_PIXELS= 6000. 30000. INCLUDE_RESOLUTION_RANGE= 20.000 0.000 RESOLUTION RANGE RECORDED BY DETECTOR (ANGSTROM) 20.000 1.928 NUMBER OF PIXELS REMOVED FROM "BKGINIT.pck" 200461 NUMBER OF TRUSTED PIXELS IN "BKGPIX.pck" 7063968 MEAN VALUE OF TRUSTED PIXELS IN "BKGPIX.pck" 90.074 cpu time used 2.4 sec elapsed wall-clock time 2.4 sec