1: "process_xds.com" will --->>> A) open a NEW terminal on our fastest computer, dataserver4, and will provide a B) "copy and paste" (or edit and paste) text to create new directories in your home directory, based on the Last or Currently collecting data set, and C) will use that data set (image file) as input to James's "xds_runme.com", which, in turn, creates an input file for XDS and does 2 rounds of processing. 2: "process_xds.com auto" will --->>> do the A,B,C steps above automatically, no "copy and paste" is necessary 3: "process_xds.com /data/username/dir1/mydata_1_0001.cbf " will --->>> take as input any valid image file with it's full directory path(e.g. /data/username/dir1/mydata_1_0001.cbf) ###############################