Dynamic Data Archiving *************************** The "download" Command From The bl831 Server: This works like "send_home", i.e. it continuously sends new files to any disk anywhere from the server, bl831.als.lbl.gov. Example: ************* Firewire drive on a locally connected Macintosh machine************ 1) Connect the Firewire drive to the MAC. If you don't see an icon, open a terminal window and type "df" to see the drive. (2) "cd" to the directory on the drive to which you wish to send the "tar'ed" files. Use the 'file completion' tab key to make sure the you get to correct directory! From inside THAT DIRECTORY issue the following command. Pay attention to all the spaces! (3) rsh server "download /userdir1/userdir2/ file_name" | tar xvBf - Note: 'userdir1/userdir2/' is the directory structure BELOW /data/mcfuser/ (DO NOT include "/data/mcfuser/" as part of "/userdir1/userdir2/" !) 'file_name' is a file prefix (DON'T include a directory in the prefix!). These will be used to make a template for which files are to be copied. The first file that matches the pattern and ALL files created AFTER the creation time of that file will be downloaded as they appear on the server. If no arguments are passed to "download", then all files created AFTER the command was issued will be downloaded. Note: The "download" command must be killed on the server when you've finished. James is working on making it die on it's own -- stay tuned ...