****************************************** General DVD info for Linux machines mount /dvdrom to read DVD's on crush mount /dvdr on graphics2, e.g. eject /dvdr -1 or -2 to eject DVD in drive 1 or 2 on a two drive system backup_local.com: Will backup images to DVD, but is maybe more useful for coping processed data to CDROM. Check James's notes to see how. verify.com: Checks DVD'S against disk files sumarize.com: Reports DVD contents *********************************************************************** ************************* How To Make a Copy of a DVD *************** 1) Put the DVD to be copied in a crush machine, e.g. then rsh to machine: mcfuser@graphics3:/home/mcfuser 1% rsh crush1 Last login: Sat Aug 30 17:01:56 from server.bl831.als.lbl.gov You have mail. 2) mount the DVD: Warning: on some machines "/dvdrom/" is "/dvdr/" mcfuser@crush01:/home/mcfuser 2% mount /dvdrom 3) check that it is now mounted with "df": mcfuser@crush01:/home/mcfuser 3% df Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/hda2 4636304 3472276 928512 79% / /dev/hda1 99043 15104 78825 17% /boot /dev/hda12 18326816 12116292 5279564 70% /local none 1032496 0 1032496 0% /dev/shm server:/data 670552972 169036524 467985584 27% /data graphics3:/data4 831133576 573241384 215672988 73% /data4 server:/data2 604756600 212275560 361761144 37% /data2 tmpfs 1032496 0 1032496 0% /tmp/ram /dev/cdrom 2804800 2804800 0 100% /dvdrom 4)use summarize.com to see what's on the DVD: mcfuser@crush01:/home/mcfuser 4% summarize.com /dvdrom/ /dvdrom/data/mcfuser/alber/sibyl/trf1_er3/trf1_er_14_###.img 1-28 /dvdrom/data/mcfuser/alber/sibyl/trf1_er3/trf1_er_13_###.img 1-210 /dvdrom/data/mcfuser/alber/sibyl/trf1_er3/trf1_er_0_###.img 29-54 /dvdrom/data/mcfuser/alber/sibyl/trf1_er3/trf1_er_12_###.img 1-30 /dvdrom/data/mcfuser/tsai/MAT_test_0_###.img 1-5 /dvdrom/data/mcfuser/tsai/MX_test_0_###.img 6-9 5a) to restore every thing on the DVD: mcfuser@crush01:/home/mcfuser 5% tar cCf /dvdrom/ - . | rsh server "cd /data2/mcfuser/restore ; tar xvf -" 5b) otherwise determine what you want restored, e.g. sibyl's files, then replace the "." with "data/mcfuser/alber/sibyl": mcfuser@crush01:/home/mcfuser 5% tar cCf /dvdrom/ - data/mcfuser/alber/sibyl | rsh server "cd /data2/mcfuser/restore ; tar xvf -" 6) NOW, To Write the new DVD, first rsh to server: mcfuser@crush01:/home/mcfuser 6% rsh server Last login: Thu Aug 30 10:19:00 from graphics2.bl831.als.lbl.gov DO NOT RUN JOBS ON THE FILE SERVER they will be killed without warning or explanation. please rsh crush first mcfuser@bl831:/home/mcfuser 1% 7) "cd" to the "restore directory: mcfuser@bl831:/home/mcfuser 1% cd /data2/mcfuser/restore/ 8) now issue the rimage_backup.com command for the desired user's files: mcfuser@bl831:/home/mcfuser 2% backup_rimage.com -note "User Copy"./data/mcfuser/alber/sibyl/ ***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** Restore ALL Data from a DVD to the server (BEWARE: data on the server will be over-written!) cd /dvdrom tar cf - . | ( cd / ; tar xvf - ) ****************************************************************************** Trouble with DVD writer on graphics3 If DVD writes fail on graphics3, a common problem is the DMA setting on the DVD drive. I don't know how, but it keeps getting reset to "on". DVD writes will not work with the DMA turned "on", you have to turn it off: ssh root@graphics3 root's password: Authentication successful. Last login: Mon Jul 07 2003 22:56:00 -0700 from server.bl831.als.lbl.gov You have new mail. [root@graphics3 ~]# hdparm /dev/hda /dev/hda: HDIO_GET_MULTCOUNT failed: Input/output error I/O support = 0 (default 16-bit) unmaskirq = 0 (off) using_dma = 1 (on) keepsettings = 0 (off) HDIO_GET_NOWERR failed: Input/output error readonly = 0 (off) BLKRAGET failed: Input/output error HDIO_GETGEO failed: Invalid argument busstate = 1 (on) [root@graphics3 ~]# hdparm -d0 /dev/hda /dev/hda: setting using_dma to 0 (off) using_dma = 0 (off) -James